We provide for those who wouldn't be in school at all.
With your assistance we continue our mission
Around the year 2005, Mama Fanny Mundia noticed an alarming increase to the number or children who weren't in school. Additionally they were aimless, often malnourished and in need of assistance.
She and a few neighbors decided to do something. They pooled resources, purchased food, and invited the children to share a meal in the tiny, dirt floored vestibule of their church. Soon some of the ladies were teaching basic lessons of ABCs and 123s.
In 2008, with assistance from friends in the USA, they restored an abandoned farm building on Mama Fanny's farm and relocated the program, serving 27 children to the new location.
That building remains one of our classroom blocks.
We now serve over 150 children. None of these children can afford the "free education" that is offered primary school children in Kenya. That education is not "free". Families must provide a school uniform, text books, learning materials and additional fees set upon them by the local public school. If families fail to provide, the student is sent home until money is given. Esabalu is one of the most densely populated farming areas on the planet. Many people in the village are subsistence farmers and do not have any source of income, barely enough land to provide food. We search the area for children who have fallen through the cracks. These are children who live in extreme poverty and are often with a single parent or totally orphaned.
At the Bishop James Mundia Academy of Excellence (named for Mama Fanny's late husband who, as Bishop, always showed extraordinary care and love for the children of his region), we provide a solid education (among the best schools in the entire county), daily nutrition and a health clinic staffed by a registered nurse.
Feeding mind, body and spirit is what we do. Please consider joining our team of supporters so that we can continue this small but mighty work.